Friday, December 26, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Temperature control:-
Here is the circuit of a simple and inexpensive temperature controller which can control temperature from about 20°C to 200°C with an accuracy of 0.5°C
R1 , R2 , | 8.2 K |
R5 | 470 Ohm |
R6 | 22 K |
R7 | 820 Ohm |
R3 | All 100 Ohm |
D1 | Zener diode 5.1V 400mW |
D2 , D5 , D6 | 1N4001 |
D3 , D4 | 15V 1W |
IC1 | op-amp 741 |
T1 | BC147 |
X1 | 18V |
C1 , C2 | Capacitor 470μ 50 V |
R1 | RELAY 12V 250Ω |
S1 | 1-POLE, 10 way switch |
The controller has been designed and fabricated using the op-amp IC 741 and a 1k thermistor as the temperature sensor. It is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge. The ratio arms R1 and R2 of the bridge are kept fixed (say unity). The voltage across the thermistor, i.e. across the arm R4, is compared with the voltage across the variable arm R3 which is kept fixed for a particular temperature (using the op-amp).
When the bridge is not balanced the output of 741 drives transistor BC147 to conducting state. Thus, the relay is energised and switches the heater on. As the temperature increases, the voltage across the thermistor decreases and when this voltage is equal to the voltage across R3 (i.e. the preset value) the output of 741 becomes zero. The transistor then stops conducting, the relay is de-energised, and the heater is switched off. Band switch S1 gives the different ranges of temperature and potentiometer VR1 is used for fine adjustments.
Electronics Thermometer:-
Clinical thermometer is only used by doctor because it is difficult to read. Here is a circuit of electronics thermometer used to measure vast range of temperature from -200C to 1250C. This single circuit electronics thermometer can be used to measure different temperature. The wide range of temperature measurement made this circuit versatile.
Circuit Description of electronics thermometer
This entire circuit “Electronics thermometer” is built and fabricated around silicon diode D1 (1N4148) and Operational amplifier IC. Diode D1 is used as temperature sensor, temperature determined the value of voltmeter drop across diode i.e. at room temperature voltage drop is 0.7V and is reduce by about 2mV/0C.
For temperature-to-voltage conversion in electronics thermometer an operational amplifier is used. The input voltage at non-inverting pin 3 of IC1 is fixed by VR1, R1, & R2 where sensor diode D1 forms a feedback path. The output of IC1 is directly depends on the voltage across the diode.
Operational amplifier IC1 is used as voltage amplifier which amplifier the output from IC1. Finally, ammeter is used to indicate the temperature.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 680 Ω
R2 = 1 KΩ
R3, R4, R5 = 1 KΩ
R6 = 6.8 KΩ
R7 = 10 KΩ
VR1 = 2.2 KΩ
VR2, VR3, VR5 = 10 KΩ
C1, C3 = 0.1 µF
C2 = 10 µF/16V
C4 = 10 µF/16V
IC1, IC2 = µA741
D1 = 1N4148 (Sensor)
M1 = 1mA-0-1mA or 0-1mA Ammeter
Microprocessor based home security system:-
In this advance world security system is in high end so the security breakers are. Now it’s time to live free, live secure. By keeping these all thing in mind (problem from burglary) the innovative group dreamlover technology designed a microprocessor based project “Microprocessor-Based Home Security System”. This advance security system not only let you know but also alert police immediately. In the project 8085 microprocessor based home security system we can control siren, telephone (via cradle and redial switches) and cassette player (alert message is recorded already)
Working of the system
The whole circuit of 8085 based home security system consist transmitter, receiver, Phase-Locked-loop and processing section as shown in Block diagram.
The mechanism of the project “Microprocessor Based-Home Security System” is very simple. As this project is IR based, the IR ray from transmitter is focused in the base of phototransistor of receiver fitted in opposite to each other. The property of phototransistor is that whenever the IR ray focused on its base is obstructed, the microprocessor as per program burnt in EPROM which further control siren, telephone and cassette player.
Circuit Description
The whole Project “8085-Microprocessor based security system” is divided into two main sections i.e. Hardware and Software.
Hardware: The complete circuit-Diagram of “Microprocessor Based Home Security System” is shown in figure 1. The transmitter section is designed and fabricate around timer IC NE555 wired as astable multivibrator followed by transistor T1 and IR LED. The oscillated frequency of transmitter section is decided by resistor R1and R2, preset VR1 with capacitor C1. The output from pin 3 of IC1 is given to base of transistor T1 through resistor R3 for amplification as per required and given to IR LED. The modulated IR signal is transmitted by IR LED1.
The IR transmitted signal is focused on the base of photo transistor. The output from photo transistor is given to transistor T3 followed by op-amp (IC2) for amplification. The amplified signal from IC3 is given to input pin 3 of Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) IC LM567 (IC3) through capacitor C4. The normal use of PLL IC (IC3) is frequency decoder so is here in order to drive the load. The tuning frequency is determined by variable resistor VR2 and current controlled oscillator by resistor R12. The tuning frequency (6-10 KHz) should match with modulating frequency transmitted by transmitter. Pin 8 of IC3 is connected to base of transistor T4 through resistor R13. Glowing LED1 indicate receiving signal is locked to transmitting signal. Transistor T5 is used as relay driver in order to energize the relay RL5. Relay RL1 energized normally when transmitted IR signal falls on phototransistor T2, at this time microprocessor does not get any input. But when IR signal is interrupted microprocessor get high (TTL-level) signal through port A of Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI).
The microprocessor start working as per command loaded in the EPROM (IC5) when high input is given from PLL. Octal latch (IC6) is used for interface between low-order multiplexed address and latch lines AD0 through AD7 of microprocessor (IC4) and EPROM in order to separate Address line A0 through A7 from data line D0 to D7 by latch-enable signal (ALE), while high-order address lines A8 through A10 is directly connected to EPROM.
ALE pin (30) of microprocessor is connected to pin 11 of IC6. The output changed according to input data when ALE is high, if ALE goes low the lower-order address is latch at the output of IC6.
RD and IO/M pin (32 and 34 respectively) of microprocessor (IC4) is used to generate Chip-Select signal (CS) with the help of NAND gates.
Pin 18, 19, 20 and 25 of IC7 are connected to base of relay driver transistor T6 to T9 through resistor R19 to R22 respectively. The high signal (interrupt of IR signal on the base of phototransistor) on these pin energizes the relay RL1 to RL4. For reset switch SW1 is used.
Polarity reversed in the telephone line is build around optocoupler ICs (IC8 and IC9). As we all know that normal TIP of telephone set is positive in compare to Ring LED of telephone line. When the handset is in OFF-HOOK position, a loop current of 10mA is assumed for flowing in telephone line.
When the polarity reversed occurs from DC line the internal LED of IC8 conduct which further glow LED3 for indicating polarity reversed. Internal LED of IC9 goes off and its pin 5 goes high in order to provide line reversed sense signal to microprocessor using pin 14 of programmable peripherals interface (PPI) IC (IC7).
Relay connection
The cradle switch of telephone set is replaced by DPDT relay (RL3). The four pads connection of PCB with cradle switch is now connected with relay. The two shorter distance pad when handset is placed in the cradle is connected to N/C contract of relay RL3 where other two pad which is shorter distance when handset is off-hook are connected to N/O contract of same relay. Relay RL2 is connected to redial bottom of telephone set parallel. When relay RL3 is energized relay RL2 is also energized to switch on the redial bottom which automatically dialed already loaded number (i.e. police or any help line). Relay RL4 activate siren when ever receiving IR signal is interrupted until the reset bottom is pressed. Lastly relay RL1 switched the audio cassette player in which victim detail is already recorded. The speaker connection of audio cassette player is connected to microphone of telephone to convey the alert message.
Software: The flowchart showed in figure: 6 shows the assembly language program. 99H word is used here to control device interface IC (IC7) where port A and C as input port and B as output. At first microprocessor read the status of port A, when port A is high siren is activated, redial switch is activated and emergency number is dialed. After dialing number redial bottom gets switch off. Now microprocessor read the status of port C which further checks the polarity reversal of telephone line. After detection of polarity reversal, the audio player is activated. When the message is finished the player automatic gets turned off.
PCB DESIGN: The actual size of PCB board must be 17.5cm×9.7cm
Click to download PCB Design in high resolution
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R2 = 5.6 KΩ
R3, R16, R18 – R22, R25 = 4.7 KΩ
R4 = 100 Ω
R5 = 3.9 KΩ
R6, R8, R12, R15, R17 = 1 KΩ
R7, R10, R11, R13, R14 = 10 KΩ
R9 = 100 KΩ
R23 = 120 Ω
R24 = 470 Ω
VR1 = 47 KΩ
VR2 = 10 KΩ
C1 = 3.3 nF ceramic disc
C2, C6, C13, C14 = 0.1 µF ceramic disc
C3, C8 = 0.01 µF ceramic disc
C4 = 1 nF ceramic disc
C5 = 10 µF, 25V electrolyte
C7 = 2.2 µF, 25V electrolyte
C9 = 10 µF, 10V electrolyte
C10, C11 = 10 pF ceramic disc
C12 = 1000 µF, 50V electrolyte
IC1 = NE555 (timer IC)
IC2 = µA741 (operational amplifier)
IC3 = LM567 (Phase-Locked-loop)
IC4 = 8085 (Microprocessor)
IC5 = 2732A (EPROM 4k)
IC6 = 64LS373 (Octal Transparent Latch)
IC7 = 8255 (programmable peripheral interface)
IC8, IC9 = MCT2E optocoupler
IC10 = 74LS00 (NAND gate)
IC11 = 7809 (9V regulator)
IC12 = 7812 (12V regulator)
T1, T3 – T9 = BC548 (NPN transistor)
T2 = L14G1 (Phototransistor)
D1 = 1N4148 (Switching diode)
D2 – D10 = 1N4007 (rectifier diode)
LED1 – LED3 = Red LED
IR LED1 = Infrared Led
X1 = 230V/50 Hz or 110V/60 Hz AC primary to 12V-0-12V, 300 mA secondary transformer
XTAL = 3.5 MHz crystal
SW1 = Push-to-on switch
SW2 = On Off switch
RL1, RL2, RL4, RL5 = 12V, 200 Ω, 1C/O relay
RL3 = 12V, 200 Ω, 2C/O relay
Temperature Indicator Using AT89C52:-
Different temperature indicator project with discrete component is already published. Now, here is a microcontroller based temperature indicator with LCD for better and precise reading. A temperature sensor DS1621 is used here for better result. As we know that programming language “C” is less complicated with well-defined syntax in compare to Assembly language so we write program for microcontroller in “C”.
Circuit description:-
The circuit of temperature indicator is designed around microcontroller AT89C52 where DS1621 is used as temperature sensor. The block diagram of temperature indicator using AT89C52 is shown in figure 1.
The temperature sensor IC3 is used to sense temperature and read as 9-bit value. The pin 1 and 2 of sensor (IC3) is connected to pin 11 and 10 respectively of microcontroller (IC2) as shown in circuit diagram. The sensor (IC3) activates its thermal alarm output in exceeding of user-defined high temperature until temperature drop below user-defined low temperature. Non-volatile memory is used to store user-defined temperature.
A crystal oscillator XTAL1 is connected to XTAL pin of microcontroller (i.e. pin 18 and 19) for operating of microcontroller. A high pulse on RST pin (pin 9) through capacitor C5 is given while the oscillator is running for reset the microcontroller. Pin 31 is also connected to +Ve supply for execution of internal program. During flash programming at 12V programming is selected pin 31 is also used to receive 12V programming enable voltage.
The 16*1 LCD is used as display where VR1 is used to control the intensity of display. The connection of LCD is given in table 2 where pin 15 and 16 is not used.
Software:- A cross-complier C51 version 7.10 from keil software is used here for compiling the program code written in C.
| ||
DS1621 Command Set
| ||
Read Temperature
Reads last converted temperature value from temperature register.
Read Counter
Reads value of count remaining from counter.
Read Slope
Reads value of slope accumulator.
Start Convert T
Indicates temperature conversion.
Stop Convert T
Halts temperature conversion.
Access TH
Reads or writes low temperature limit value into TH register.
Access TL
Reads or writes low temperature limit value into TL register.
Access Configuration
Reads or writes configuration data to configuration register.
| |
Pin Connection of the LCD
| |
Pin No.
Pin 1
Ground (Gnd)
Pin 2
Pin 3
V0 (display intensity control)
Pin 4
RS (connected to pin P3.2 of AT89C52)
Pin 5
R/W (connected to pin P3.3 of AT89C52)
Pin 6
EN (connected to pin P3.4 of AT89C52)
Pin 7
D0 (connected to pin P1.0 of AT89C52)
Pin 8
D1 (connected to pin P1.1 of AT89C52)
Pin 9
D2 (connected to pin P1.1 of AT89C52)
Pin 10
D3 (connected to pin P1.3 of AT89C52)
Pin 11
D4 (connected to pin P1.4 of AT89C52)
Pin 12
D5 (connected to pin P1.5 of AT89C52)
Pin 13
D6 (connected to pin P1.6 of AT89C52)
Pin 14
D7 (connected to pin P31.7 of AT89C52)
Pin 15
Backlight +Vcc (not used)
Pin 16
Backlight Gnd (not used)
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon) |
R1 = 1 KΩ
R2 = 47 KΩ
R3 = 10 KΩ
R4, R5 = 4.7 KΩ
VR1 = 1 KΩ (Preset)
Capacitors |
C1 = 470 µF/25V (Electrolytic)
C2 – C4 = 0.1 µF (Ceramic)
C5 = 10 µF/16V (Electrolytic)
C6, C7 = 33 pF (Ceramic)
Semiconductors |
IC1 = LM7805 (Voltage Regulator)
IC2 = AT89C52 (Microcontroller)
IC3 = DS1621 (Temperature Sensor)
D1 – D4 = 1N4007 (Rectifier Diode)
Electronics counter:-
Simple counting can be done by anyone but counting in interval up to large number is tedious and the chance of forget is maximum. As, we have already published Counter Circuit | Digital Counter. Now , here electronics counter is second project by dreamlover technology in the series of counting based project. Bothe the counting circuit published in this website counts up to 10,000 with the help of four seven-segment displays. The difference is previous circuit utilize CMOS ICs where the electronics counter use TTL ICs.
Circuit description
The entire circuit of electronics counter is divided into three main section :- input, display and driver or decoder section.
The input circuit consists of LDR following by negative square wave generator circuit build around Timer IC (NE555). A bulb is used here as light source focused on LDR. The property of LDR is that whenever the light focused on base of LDR is obstructed, it gives trigger and square wave is generated and given as input signal to counter circuit. So the objects to be counted are arranged in a row to move one by one in between the light source and the LDR.
IC2 shows any number between 0-9 according to input square wave given to pin no 14. After each negative pulse a carrying pulse is produced by decoder IC and given to another one (i.e. from IC2 to IC3, IC3 to IC4, IC4 to IC5 ). IC5 and IC6 is BCD to 7-segment latch decoder driver. The reset switch SW1 is used to reset the electronics counter to 0000 states.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 1 KΩ
R2 = 100 KΩ
R3 – R30 = 180 Ω
VR1 = 100 KΩ preset
C1 = 4.7 µF
C2 = 1000 µF/10V
C3, C4 = 0.1 µF
IC1 = NE555 (Timer IC)
IC2 – IC5 = 7490 (Decade and Binary counter)
IC6 – IC9 = 7447 (BCD to 7-segment decoder)
IC10 = µA 7805 (Voltage Regulator)
D1 – D4 = Display FND 507
Mic1 = Microphone
B1 = Bulb
all the best..............................///////////////////////////////
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Fire Alarm Using Thermistor:-
Many fire alarm circuit is published indifferentwebsite. But, here in this website is a simple and inexpensive project of fire alarm using thermistor. where thermistor is used as temperature sensor of fire alarm.Working principle of thermistor is same as LDR (change their resistance with change in heat where LDR change their resistance with change in CircuitDescriptionoffirealarmusingthermistor:-
The whole circuit of fire alarm using thermistor is build and fabricated around thermistor (TH1) and timer IC (IC1) with its driver transistor. The timer IC (IC1) used in this circuit is as astable multivibrator oscillator used to oscillate in audio frequency band. The two transistor T1and T2 used to drive the timer IC (IC1). The output from pin 3 of IC1 is fed to loudspeaker through transistor T3 to generate sound. The value of resistor (R5 and R6) and capacitor (C2) determines the frequency of IC2.
The low resistance path of extend positive voltage to the base of transistor is provided when the thermistor TH1 become hot. Further collector of transistor T1 is connected to base of transistor T2 provides positive voltage to reset pin 4 of IC1 for reset. Fire alarm using thermistor circuit works on wide range of input power supply voltage i.e. 6v to 12V.
circuit diagram:-
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
VR1 = 10 Kohms Variable Resistor for changing the sensitivity of the circuit.
R3, R7, R8 = 470 Ω
R2 = 33 K Ω
R4 = 560 Ω
R5 = 47 KΩ
R6 = 2.2 KΩ
C1 = 10 µF/16V
C2 = 0.04 µF
C3 = 0.01 µF
IC1 = NE555 (timer IC)
T1 = BC548
T2 = BC558
T3 = SL100B or any Medium power general purpose NPN transistor like: 2N4922 , 2N4921,2N4238, FCX1053A
D1 = 1N4001
TH1 = Thermistor 10 KΩ
LS1 = 8 Ω, 1W speaker
Frequency Multiplier:-
For the working of Frequency multiplier circuit the frequency divider is inserted between the VCO and phase comparator. Since the output of the divider is locked into the input frequency fIN, the VCO is actually running at a multiple of the input frequency. The desired amount of multiplication can be obtained by selecting a proper divide-by-N network, where N is an integer. For example, to obtain the output frequency fOUT = 5fIN, a divide-by-N = 5 network is needed. Figure 1-1 shows the function performed by a 7490 (4-bit binary counter) configured as a divide-by-5 circuit. In this figure, transistor Q1 is used as a driver stage to increase the driving capability of the NE565.
Circuit Description of frequency multiplier:-
To verify the operation of the circuit frequency multiplier, one must determine the input frequency range and then adjust the free-running frequency fOUT of the VCO by mean of R1 and C1 so that the output frequency of the 7490 divider is midway within the predetermined input frequency range. The output of the VCO now should be 5fIN. The output frequency fOUT can be adjusted from 1.5 KHz to 15 KHz by varying potentiometer R1 (fOUT = 1.2/4R1C1). This means that the input frequency fIN range has to be within 300 Hz to 3 KHz. In addition, the input waveform can either be sine or square wave and may be applied to input pin 2 or 3.
Even though supply voltages of ±10 V are used in figure 1-1, the NE565 can be operated on ±5 supply voltage instead. A small capacitor C3 typically 1000pF, is connected between pins 7 and 8 to eliminate possible oscillations. Also, capacitor C2 should be large enough to stabilize the VCO frequency.
circuit diagram:-
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 20 KΩ potentiometer
R2 = 2 KΩ
R3 = 4.7 KΩ
R4 = 10 KΩ
C1 = 0.01µF
C2 = 10 µF
C3 = 0.01 µF
IC1 = NE565
IC2 = 7490 4-bit binary counter
Q1 = 2N3391
all the best...........................////////////////////////////////////////////
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Clap operated Remote Control for Fans:-
Here is the circuit of clap-operated remote control fans is used to control not only switching properties but also control speed of fan. The main advantage of clap operated remote control for fan is, it can control up to ten-step speeds of fan where normally a fan has three to five step speeds.
Circuit description clap operated remote control for fan:-
This entire circuit clap operated remote control for fan is divided into four major section i.e. sound-operated trigger pulse generator, clock pulse generator, clock pulse counter and load operator.
Sound-operated trigger pulse: – The heart of this section is transistor T1 BC148, configured as class-C amplifier mode. The MIC1 is used to change voice signal into its corresponding electrical signal and is given to base of transistor T1 in order to amplify and increase its intensity.
Clock pulse generator:- This section is build around timer IC NE555 and configured as monostable multivibrator. The trigger pulse generated by transistor T1 is given to pin 2 of IC1 and time period (T) for output high is calculated by formula.
T = 1.1RC
Clock Pulse counter:- This section is build around decade counter CD4017BC which counts the clock pulse generated by timer IC (IC1). The output from IC1 is given to pin 14 of IC2. IC2 has ten outputs, viz, o, 1, 2, 3, 4…..9. Here we use only three outputs i.e. output 1, 2 and 3 from pin 2, 4, and 7 respectively. Output 4 from pin 10 is directly connected to reset pin 15.
Load operator:- This section is build around three transistor as relay driver to operate three separate relay. Output from each pin of IC2 is given to base of each transistor through 100Ω and LED as shown in circuit diagram. Output is taken from collector of transistor and is connected to relay. The three LEDs used to indicate gear or speed i.e. LED1, LED2 & LED3 indicates gear 1, gear 2 & gear 3 respectively.
NOTE:-This circuit used to operate in 1st speed similarly, 2nd clap for 2nd speed, 3rd clap for 3rd speed and 4th clap to switch off the fan.
- Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
- R1 = 10 KΩ
- R2 = 1.2 MΩ
- R3 = 2.2 KΩ
- R4 = 150 KΩ
- R5 = 220 KΩ
- R6 = 10 KΩ
- R7, R8, R9 = 100 Ω
- Capacitors
- C1, C2 = 0.1 µF/16V
- C3 = 4.7 µF/16V
- C4 = 0.01 µF (ceramic disc)
- C5 = 1000 µF/12V
- Semiconductors
- IC1 = NE555 (Timer IC)
- IC2 = CD4017BE (decade counter)
- T1 = BC148
- T2, T3, T4 = BEL187
- D1, D2 = 1N4001 silicon diode
- Miscellaneous
- MIC1 = Condenser microphone 34LOD
- LED1 = Green
- LED2 = yellow
- LED3 = RED
- 6V-0V-6V, 500mA secondary transformer
- ALL THE BEST.............//////////////////////////
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