Clap operated Remote Control for Fans:-
Here is the circuit of clap-operated remote control fans is used to control not only switching properties but also control speed of fan. The main advantage of clap operated remote control for fan is, it can control up to ten-step speeds of fan where normally a fan has three to five step speeds.
Circuit description clap operated remote control for fan:-
This entire circuit clap operated remote control for fan is divided into four major section i.e. sound-operated trigger pulse generator, clock pulse generator, clock pulse counter and load operator.
Sound-operated trigger pulse: – The heart of this section is transistor T1 BC148, configured as class-C amplifier mode. The MIC1 is used to change voice signal into its corresponding electrical signal and is given to base of transistor T1 in order to amplify and increase its intensity.
Clock pulse generator:- This section is build around timer IC NE555 and configured as monostable multivibrator. The trigger pulse generated by transistor T1 is given to pin 2 of IC1 and time period (T) for output high is calculated by formula.
T = 1.1RC
Clock Pulse counter:- This section is build around decade counter CD4017BC which counts the clock pulse generated by timer IC (IC1). The output from IC1 is given to pin 14 of IC2. IC2 has ten outputs, viz, o, 1, 2, 3, 4…..9. Here we use only three outputs i.e. output 1, 2 and 3 from pin 2, 4, and 7 respectively. Output 4 from pin 10 is directly connected to reset pin 15.
Load operator:- This section is build around three transistor as relay driver to operate three separate relay. Output from each pin of IC2 is given to base of each transistor through 100Ω and LED as shown in circuit diagram. Output is taken from collector of transistor and is connected to relay. The three LEDs used to indicate gear or speed i.e. LED1, LED2 & LED3 indicates gear 1, gear 2 & gear 3 respectively.
NOTE:-This circuit used to operate in 1st speed similarly, 2nd clap for 2nd speed, 3rd clap for 3rd speed and 4th clap to switch off the fan.
- Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
- R1 = 10 KΩ
- R2 = 1.2 MΩ
- R3 = 2.2 KΩ
- R4 = 150 KΩ
- R5 = 220 KΩ
- R6 = 10 KΩ
- R7, R8, R9 = 100 Ω
- Capacitors
- C1, C2 = 0.1 µF/16V
- C3 = 4.7 µF/16V
- C4 = 0.01 µF (ceramic disc)
- C5 = 1000 µF/12V
- Semiconductors
- IC1 = NE555 (Timer IC)
- IC2 = CD4017BE (decade counter)
- T1 = BC148
- T2, T3, T4 = BEL187
- D1, D2 = 1N4001 silicon diode
- Miscellaneous
- MIC1 = Condenser microphone 34LOD
- LED1 = Green
- LED2 = yellow
- LED3 = RED
- 6V-0V-6V, 500mA secondary transformer
- ALL THE BEST.............//////////////////////////